- Future simple:
I will go to beijing tomorrow.(decide now)
- Present continuous for future:
I am meeting Tom at the station at six.(decide in the past)
- “Going to” + verb
I am going to meet Tom at the station at six.(just going to, may be he didn’t have an appointment with Tom)
- Attention:
When the main verbs are ‘go’ and ‘come’, it is better to use the present continuous tense of ‘go’ and ‘come’ instead of ‘be going to’
Past simple and Present Perfect
- Past simple is used to show that a verb begin and finished in the past.
- Past simple usually includes a specific time.
- Some verbs in past simple are formed by adding “ed” to the end of the verb
These verbs ara called regular verbs.
Eg. lick-kicked, start-started, wait-waited
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